
this week's recap

Boy oh boy... what a week it's been. We've worked from morning to night, breaking for dinner, then getting back to the office until way past our bedtimes. We absolutely love being so busy, and we truly enjoy wrapping ourselves up in our work. Our apologies for putting the blog on the back burner for a few days. Let us get you up to speed with what we've been doing. It includes lots of applications, emails, consultations, and more emails.

After a week of voting, we're finally able to announce the winners of our Free Wedding Giveaway! We're so excited to be a part of Priyanka and Seth's big day. It's sure to be a beautiful event, and we can't wait to document it. Congrats!

The main reason we've been so busy this week is because we received such a wonderful response from last weekend's bridal shows. Our calendar is filling up fast with consultations. In fact are consultation appointments are just about booked up for the next two weeks. We are so excited to get to know all of our new 2013 couples. It's shaping up to be a wonderful year, with a busy Spring and Summer. Congrats to all the newly engaged couples out there! Speaking of bridal shows, we have also spent a lot of time this week submitting our applications to next year's shows. We are crossing our fingers we get into the Lovesick Expo. It's the anti bridal show, bridal show and we're so happy it's coming to DC. Here is a quick shot of what this year's display looks like...

So that's a recap of our busy, yet awfully boring week. We promise next week will be more fun.

For now we are signing off, shutting down our computers, forcing ourselves to take a short break, and spending some quality time with family. We hope you'll do the same.

Have a great weekend everyone! We'll be back soon...

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