
Here we go...

... our first blog post. For a short while there, we thought we might try being blog-less wedding photographers. Ha! Nice try. There's just no way around it. Blogs can play a big role in many business models, but to wedding photographers they are essential, and not for reasons you might assume.

Yes, the blog gives us an avenue to show you practically all of our work in what feels like real time. We're big on instant gratification just like the rest of the world, and we like how easy it is to post a few quickly edited images before even examining the entire collection. But what's the real reason wedding photographers feel this strong need to have a blog? It makes us vulnerable. Seriously... we just had to look up how to spell vul-ner-a-ble. We ask you to shed your nerves and try to be as natural as possible in front of our cameras. In a way this blog is our way of turning the cameras on ourselves, letting you in the way you let us in, and acting as unedited as possible.

This blog is not a professional one, and it's not a personal one either. It's somewhere in the middle. We'll keep you up to date with our most recent work, and let you in on our personal adventures.

So no laughing. Be kind to us. We promise to remain honest. We'll do our best to cut back on run on sentences. We will try to post as often as possible, and of course always include at least one image. This is a photography blog after all. Well kinda.

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