
Diet Coke and Coffee

We're sitting here in our newly decorated home office/consultation space (yay!) going over our super long checklist of things to accomplish by Christmas. As we begin to have simultaneous panic attacks we each grab for our caffeine fix of choice, take a swig and feel better. We can do this. Yes, there is a lot to do. Yes, we will pull a few all nighters. Yes, it will all get done.

The blog will start to feel left out in the next couple of weeks. Poor thing. It will be ok, we'll be back in December with a wedding to feature, a couple of engagement sessions, an array of business announcements and a couple glimpses into our personal lives to boot. But for now, we will be drinking our caffeine and getting to work on all the behind the scenes, less glamorous tasks... like album design, pricing, magazine layout, and decorating our bridal show booth display (that's fun!).

In case you're wondering which drink belongs to which photographer... Betty has a serious Diet Coke problem, and Maggie's the one drinking a pot of coffee a day (milk, no sugar).

Fun fact: Betty can pour Diet Coke from a two liter bottle, directly into a smaller bottle without missing a drop. We're going to see if she can do it with her eyes closed one of these days.

Another fun fact: Maggie must drink her coffee from seasonal mugs. Like... has to. And an entire cabinet in her kitchen is full of them.

Ok, back to work! We'll talk to ya'll soon!

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